Our year 4 pupils were thrilled to participate in a wide range of exhilarating activities last week; as we hosted an Activities Week.


On Monday, year 4 experienced their first Commando Joes training course, which was based on Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expeditions. The course included scaling obstacles and collaborating to overcome challenging tasks.


Later in the afternoon, they continued their explorers training with some orienteering challenges. We also took out the beloved parachute for some fun and games, followed by a competitive game of capture the flag.



Our pupils had a fantastic day at Lydiard Park. They conquered the High Ropes Course with little issue, enjoyed a nature walk, and ended the day with a game of rounders.



The children completed their Commando Joes training with another mountaineering adventure. For more information on our Commando Joes course, please visit our blog: Commando Joes Blog


They also put their thinking caps on as they dived into an HR Science Investigation. The children also played Kabaddi, a game similar to tag rugby and capture the flag. It was a new experience for most of the year 4 pupils and they enjoyed it very much. We finished the day with a game of Tennis.



We ended the week with a bang when we took our year 4 pupils climbing at Rockstar Climbing. At Rockstar Climbing the children's nerves were put to the test as they climbed multiple high and tricky courses. They did incredibly well and we are very proud of their bravery and determination!


What an incredible Week! We really did have a blast hosting these activities for year 4 and we hope they had an amazing time. They definitely earned it after all of their hard work.